The Program


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Since 2009, the Leipzig Semantic Web Day (LSWT) has offered scientists, companies and organisations the opportunity to exchange ideas on topics in the field of semantic technologies.

The Thin[gk]athon, organised by the Smart Systems Hub, is intended to provide an opportunity to explore the possibilities of shared data in the context of Manufacturing X. What can it be used for and how can we implement possible solutions? The challenge starts today with an introductory event, the teams are formed and the tasks are distributed.

AIAMO (Artificial Intelligence And Mobility) is a project funded by the BMDV (Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport) in which an AI-based environmental and mobility management system is being developed to make mobility more efficient, resource-saving, safe and needs-based. The AIAMOroadshow offers a varied one-day programme of specialist presentations for representatives from politics, science and business.

Side Events ⇣

Sitzungssaal Festsaal Ratsplenarsaal Room 260 Room 270 Room 369 Room 377 Room 495




- | English

Thin[gk]athon - Opening

- |

Goblin Meeting

- | English

Digitally supported child and youth participation - potentials, experiences and ideas for the future

- | German

Using Knowledge Graphs to Document Cloud Native Products

- | English

Coffee break


Session I

- | English


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- | German

How generative artificial intelligence is changing work and study(organized by ScaDS.AI)

- | German

Knowledge graphs and semantic data technologies in register modernisation - potentials, barriers and use cases (organized by InfAI)

- | German

Goblin Meeting

- | English

Digitally supported child and youth participation - potentials, experiences and ideas for the future

- | German

Lunch break


Session II

- | English


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- | German

AI strategy with LEGO®: innovations you can touch

- | German

Knowledge graphs and semantic data technologies in register modernisation - potentials, barriers and use cases (organized by InfAI)

- | German

Goblin Meeting

- | English

Coffee break


Session III

- | English


- |


- | German

Knowledge graphs and semantic data technologies in register modernisation - potentials, barriers and use cases (organized by InfAI)

- | German

Goblin Meeting

- | English

eccenca Poster Winner Awards and Closing

- | English


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- | German

Side Events


Visit city hall tower

- | | German

Built on the foundation of the old Pleißenburg Tower, the tower of the New City Hall is considered the tallest city hall tower in Germany and is one of Leipzig’s most important landmarks. With a height of exactly 114.7 meters, it towers over the entire city. As part of Data Week Leipzig, you have the opportunity to visit the town hall tower with us.


eccenca Semantic Biergarten

- | | German, English

eccenca cordially invites you to the social event “Semantic Biergarten” at the Café & Restaurant 292 Karangahape Road (Karl-Tauchnitz-Str. 9, 04107 Leipzig).

Data Week Hosts

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Data Week Sponsors