The Program


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The second day of the event will focus on digital administration and organisation with practical use cases and solution ideas. The main programme will be complemented by the KMI Transfer Day and the Civic Coding Roadshow.

Side Events ⇣

Sitzungssaal Festsaal Room 259 Room 260 Room 270 Room 369 Room 377



Session 8

- | German

Session 9

- | German

How does data get into AI? (organized by the KMI project at InfAI)

- | German

The AI revolution in public administration: seizing opportunities, ensuring compliance - from automated process relief to digital co-workers

- | German

Sustainable AI in administration: increasing efficiency through versatile applications

- | German

Automate administrative tasks with REDCap

- | German

Shaping transformation - How does organisational development succeed? (organized by the KMI/ROOTS project at InfAI)

- | German

Coffee break


Session 10

- | German

Session 11

- | German

AI for everyday work - practical tools and sharing experiences (organized by the KMI project at InfAI)

- | German

Data Knowledge Hub: Fundamentals of data-based social media research

- |

Munich at a glance: Interactive housing market observation

- | German

Automate administrative tasks with REDCap

- | German

(Digital) participation in non-profit organisations - How can participatory approaches contribute to better organisational design? (organized by the KMI/ROOTS project at InfAI)

- | German

Lunch break


Session 12

- | German

Session 13

- | German

Fit for change - conditions for successful structural change in the Central German mining area (organized by the KMI project at InfAI)

- | German

Civic AI with Civic Coding - the start for your civic AI project! (Roadshow)

- |

What is behind DIN SPEC 91607? - Useful information for (municipal) practice

- | German

AI challenges in administration, science and industry (organized by GISA GmbH)

- | German

Coffee break


Session 14

- | German

Session 15

- | German

The art of data: AI compression and decompression of ERA5 global climate data (starts at 4pm)

- | German

Your own dashboard in 6 steps

- |

Data Navigator: A tool to support SMEs in the development of data-driven business models

- |

AI challenges in administration, science and industry (organized by GISA GmbH)

- | German

ScaDS.AI Meetup x Data Week Leipzig 2025 - Putting AI into practice, but how?

- | German

Side Events


The art of data: AI compression and decompression of ERA5 global climate data (starts at 4pm)

- | | German

AI offers great potential for increasing efficiency in the processing of weather data. In this event at the interface of science, art and entertainment, participants will experience the fascinating possibilities of AI-supported compression and decompression using the example of ERA5 world climate data. Be inspired by how art and technology come together to make AI and complex data visible and tangible. (Start from 16:00)


Get together

- | Wandelhalle |


Visit city hall tower

- | | German

Built on the foundation of the old Pleißenburg Tower, the tower of the New City Hall is considered the tallest city hall tower in Germany and is one of Leipzig’s most important landmarks. With a height of exactly 114.7 meters, it towers over the entire city. As part of Data Week Leipzig, you have the opportunity to visit the town hall tower with us.


ScaDS.AI Meetup x Data Week Leipzig 2025 - Putting AI into practice, but how?

- | Wandelhalle | German

Data Week Hosts

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Data Week Sponsors