The Program


AI-First: How organizations are mastering the path to an AI-driven corporate culture (organized by ACP IT Solutions GmbH)

- | Room 260 | German

Dr. Marcus Binner (ACP IT Solutions GmbH) and Dr. Stefan Hennig (ACP IT Solutions GmbH)

Transform your organization with AI! Benefit from the proven approaches of a full IT provider with over 2,500 employees and a turnover of more than €1 billion in 2024. With our practical experience from numerous AI projects in Germany and Austria, we will show you how to build an AI-driven corporate culture in our hands-on workshop. Develop YOUR AI strategy, identify relevant use cases and learn how to anchor AI skills throughout your entire customer journey. This workshop is ideal for managers, companies and agile teams who want to establish AI as an integral part of their strategy. Take the first step into your AI future!


Coffee break

- | Wandelhalle |

Posters and Stands


AI-First: How organizations are mastering the path to an AI-driven corporate culture (organized by ACP IT Solutions GmbH)

- | Room 260 | German

Dr. Marcus Binner (ACP IT Solutions GmbH) and Dr. Stefan Hennig (ACP IT Solutions GmbH)

Transform your organization with AI! Benefit from the proven approaches of a full IT provider with over 2,500 employees and a turnover of more than €1 billion in 2024. With our practical experience from numerous AI projects in Germany and Austria, we will show you how to build an AI-driven corporate culture in our hands-on workshop. Develop YOUR AI strategy, identify relevant use cases and learn how to anchor AI skills throughout your entire customer journey. This workshop is ideal for managers, companies and agile teams who want to establish AI as an integral part of their strategy. Take the first step into your AI future!


Lunch break

- | Wandelhalle |

Posters and Stands


AI-First: How organizations are mastering the path to an AI-driven corporate culture (organized by ACP IT Solutions GmbH)

- | Room 260 | German

Dr. Marcus Binner (ACP IT Solutions GmbH) and Dr. Stefan Hennig (ACP IT Solutions GmbH)

Transform your organization with AI! Benefit from the proven approaches of a full IT provider with over 2,500 employees and a turnover of more than €1 billion in 2024. With our practical experience from numerous AI projects in Germany and Austria, we will show you how to build an AI-driven corporate culture in our hands-on workshop. Develop YOUR AI strategy, identify relevant use cases and learn how to anchor AI skills throughout your entire customer journey. This workshop is ideal for managers, companies and agile teams who want to establish AI as an integral part of their strategy. Take the first step into your AI future!

Data Week Hosts

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Data Week Sponsors